Dr. Simone Gervasoni

Simone Gervasoni was born in Claro, Switzerland in June 1989. During his Bachelor at ETH Zurich, he studied mechanical engineering with a focus on mechatronics systems and robotics. He concluded his bachelor degree with a bachelor thesis at MSRL on inkjet printed superparamagnetic polymer composite, that lead to a journal paper as co-author. He continued with a M.SC. in mechanical engineering with a focus on aerospace system. 

During his master program he worked as scientific assistant at MSRL to develop a real time high speed control for an atomic force microscope. After his semester thesis on magnetically actuated high performance optics, he did an internship at Magnes AG, where he developed and patented a magnetic force sensor for performance monitoring applications. He completed his master degree with his master thesis on a force sensor for performance monitoring.

After obtaining his master degree, he joined the MSRL as PHD student with interest in advance 3D printing and printing of smart materials.

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