Magnetoelectric materials for micro- and nanorobotic application

Small-scale robots have attracted wide attention due to their potential applications in various fields such as targeted drug delivery, minimally invasive surgery, and environmental remediation. However, compared to microorganisms, which can be seen as highly integrated micromachines utilizing a single energy input (food) to effectively accomplish various missions such as sensing, locomotion and reproduction, micro and nanorobots are usually task-specific and their integration level is still low. A typical drawback is that the power for controlled locomotion and the on-demand-triggering function usually come from different energy sources, which hinders the realization of highly-integrated multifunctional microrobots together with simple manipulation systems. 

By integrating magnetoelectric materials onto micromachines, we are developing prototype micro and nanorobotic devices, which can be powered by a single-energy source (magnetic energy) for both locomotion and on-demand function triggering. This concept presents a further step in the development of micromachines, and will open new avenues for the application of magnetoelectric materials in targeted cell stimulation and environmental remediaition.


Chen, X. Z.; Shamsudhin, N.; Hoop, M.; Pieters, R.; Siringil, E.; Sakar, M. S.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Magnetoelectric Micromachines with Wirelessly Controlled Navigation and Functionality. Materials Horizons, 2016, 3 (2), 113-118.


Micro and nanorobots are promising candidates for targeted therapeutic interventions and controlled drug delivery because of the ability to control their locomotion, leading to accurate targeting.



Electromechanical stimulation plays a significant role in regenerating various functionalities in tissues, such as tendons, muscles, nerves and bone. In this project, we investigate piezoelectric polymers as a potential substrate for wireless cell proliferation or differentiation.




Environmental pollution and shortage of clean energy are among the most pressing problems that threaten sustainable development of human civilization.



The requirements of materials for biomedical application are harsh. Right now, most of the piezoelectric and magnetic materials are not ready for clinical application. . The influence of these materials on cells, biological tissues and even live body are to be determined.



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